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I Ricordi dell’Anima


«E mentre parlava si rese conto di quanto continuassero nella sua testa ad affiorare i ricordi… sì, i ricordi dell’anima, quelli che non dimentichi mai, quelli che tornano sempre a farti visita quando ascolti una canzone che passa improvvisa alla radio. Quelli che giungono quando ti siedi sulla riva e sentendo il rumore del mare arrivano portati dalle onde.
I ricordi dell’anima prima o poi tornano sempre».

In stock
embrace-the-wild , , , ,
Aletheia Editore 9791281242227 18 September 2023 Italiano 245 pages



Baseball ipsum dolor sit amet cellar rubber win hack tossed. Slugging catcher slide bench league, left fielder nubber. Bullpen blue run rotation relief look forward to hearing about what support left fielder nubber. Bullpen blue run rotation relief look forward to hearing about what support is available at the university and getting an insight from students in to how important they feel mental health and wellbeing is to university life.

Important Information

– Design doesn’t have to be complicated
– Guide to human-centered design shows that usability
– Important as aesthetics.
– Design doesn’t have to be complicated
– Guide to human-centered design shows that usability.


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